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Post-Retirement Work

Many senior adults are deciding to reenter the workforce post-retirement, and as such opportunities targeted toward these un-retirees are on the rise. The decision may be financially based or due to the desire to stay productive and active. Companies are learning the importance of utilizing these workers due to their experience and work ethic. Many companies even offer flexible benefits, such as the opportunity to work part-time, seasonal, or remotely.

See below for a list of positions for post-retirement:

Work for a former employer.  Some companies offer part-time work to formerly retired employees, as these former employees already have the experience necessary to succeed in the company.

Consultant. Retirees often choose to offer their expertise via consulting.

Tutor. A quick search online will bring up multiple opportunities to tutor and offer the training necessary.

Administrative assistant/virtual assistant. Companies are looking to delegate tasks and even offer the ability to work from home.

Pet sitter. Animal lovers can use this passion to make a little extra money by pet sitting for friends and family or even for an agency.

Hobby turned into a business. Fun hobbies such as photography and writing can be turned into an enjoyable, profit-making job.

Nonprofit work. Charities and non-profits can be a very rewarding avenue after retirement.

Cruise ship worker. Employment on a cruise ship offers the chance to travel, meet new people, and make money.