Tag Archive for: disease support

Preparing Your Home for A Senior Loved One

You’ve decided to have your elderly friend or family member move into your home so you can watch after them. Preparing your home for a senior loved one requires assessing the comfort, safety, and accessibility. Put yourself in their shoes. Think of how this change will affect him/her and what type of living space a person with their needs would require.

Consider the following when preparing your home for a senior loved one:

Consult your loved one’s physicians and care providers. People who know the specifics about their needs can shed light on changes that need to be made in the home. Do a walk through with a home care provider to ensure the home is adequately prepared.

Remove any falling hazards. Remove rugs, and clear the pathway to the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.

Go shopping. Purchase items such as non-slip mats for the shower, motion-sensing lights for the hallways, and workout equipment they could benefit from.

Make a list of home improvements. Hire a professional if necessary to complete the list. Such home improvements can include grab bars in bathrooms and ramps for wheelchair access.

Get organized. Put a list of emergency contacts on the refrigerator, keep important documents such as medical documents in a filing cabinet, and keep a calendar up-to-date with doctors’ appointments, when medication needs refilling, etc.

Comprehensive Home Care can help provide the necessary advice and tips on how to prepare for your specific situation. We provide a free in-home consultation to learn about your senior loved one and will suggest a strategy of care and any additional changes to the home. Call us today at 704-333-5214 or contact us online to find out more about our senior care services.

Living with Multiple Sclerosis in the Summertime

Summertime can be a difficult time for people living with Multiple Sclerosis. This is due to the fact that an increase in body temperatures causes MS symptoms to worsen. Such symptoms include weak legs, fatigue, impaired vision, and cognitive issues. However, certain preventative measures can be taken to keep cool and enjoy the summertime.

Tips for living with Multiple Sclerosis in the summertime include:

Stay hydrated. While this tip may seem essential for everyone during the summertime, it’s especially essential for those living with MS to drink plenty of water.

Dress cool. Wear light-colored, lightweight, and loose fitting clothes that will keep the body temperature from rising.

Avoid overexposure to sunlight. While avoiding the outdoors completely may be difficult, staying in the air conditioning or in the shade when the temperatures are too high is best.

Take a cool bath. If you feel overheated take a cool bath to help lower your body temperature and prevent your symptoms from worsening.

Take advantage of cooling products. Cooling vests, neck wraps, headbands, and wristbands are extremely useful. The MSAA Cooling Program offers these types of products.

Exercises. Replace outdoor exercises with indoor ones such as pool exercises. Or exercise outside in the morning and evening when the temperature is the lowest.

Comprehensive Home Care is here to help! For more information regarding Multiple Sclerosis, and to learn about the services we provide contact us here or by calling 704-333-5214.

Ask These Questions Before Hiring a Home Care Specialist

Hiring a home care specialist is useful when your loved one prefers to stay in a more active lifestyle while needing assistance with things around the home. There are a few guidelines you can follow to ensure that your loved one is cared for in the best way possible. These questions are a great way to find out which specialist is best for your family member.

Consider these questions before hiring a home care specialist:

 What specific experience and certification do you have in caring for the elderly?

This question is so important because it gives an overview of the person’s background and qualifications. The way they present their experience will show how they feel about the elderly care they provide. The qualifications should already be in place if you are considering any home care specialist. To ensure proper care and a nurturing environment, it is important to ensure that the home care specialist is more than just qualified. The specialist should also enjoy giving care to those who cannot care for themselves.

What references do you have in regards to specifically caring for elderly patients with illnesses such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease?

The references will provide a frame of time for the experience presented and also a backup for honest feedback.

How would you handle emergency situations during after-hours?

This gauges the specialist’s ability to handle situations that may occur during times you may not be readily available. It is important to have emergency protocols and to know that the home care specialist is comfortable with addressing issues and prepared with the necessary procedures and practices.

Comprehensive Home Care provides the necessary processes and background checks to find the right fit for your loved one. We specialize in caring for those who need assistance taking care of themselves. This includes the elderly, those who have an illness, disorder, or injury, pregnant women, and new mothers. Contact us here or call us at 704-333-5214 for a free in-home assessment and see how we can help your loved one.

Read Tips to Start the Care Provider Search for more advice.

What to Do If You Think Your Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a disease that few people ever feel comfortable talking about.  It’s an emotional thing to see your loved one slowly lose their grasp on their memory and surroundings.  You may feel helpless, powerless, confused.  You may not be sure where to look for answers, or what to do.  But, don’t worry you’re not alone in this.

Here are some suggestions that may help if you think your loved one has Alzheimer’s:

Take some time to figure it out

A major disease like Alzheimer’s can be terrifying to face, but don’t give up.  Talk to a doctor, and do your research.  The more you know, the more you are prepared to help.  If you do confirm that yes, it is Alzheimer’s, then take a few minutes, or a day if you need, to come to grips with it.  There’s a lot ahead of you, so make sure you’re mentally and emotionally prepared for it.

Weigh your options and responsibilities

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is a major commitment.  It will require you to invest a lot of time, money, and energy into seeing for the needs of your loved one.  It will be a large emotional strain.  If you feel like you can handle it, that you can fully invest in the needs of your loved one, then you need to start making plans.  If not, then you need to find another option for care.  In either case, you don’t have to rely only on your own strength and resources.

Look for help

Help is out there. Doctors can offer some medications and suggestions on specific care procedures.  Seek out family and friends to form a support network.  Also, there are many alternatives for care if you feel that you can’t do it by yourself.  Nursing homes can offer around-the-clock care but can be confusing and frightening for someone with Alzheimer’s. An efficient and comfortable option is home care. Alzheimer’s care Charlotte trained specialists can come to your loved one’s home to provide caring, competent, and constant support.  That way, your loved one can receive the treatment and care they need from the comfort and familiarity of their own home.

There is an emotional and difficult time ahead.  Remember that you don’t have to go through it alone. Comprehensive Home Care can help you and your loved one through this tough time. Contact us here or call us at 704.333.5214.

Check out The Potential Alzheimer’s Cause We May Have Been Missing to read about the latest research.