Activities for Your Loved One with Dementia

Activities for Your Loved One with Dementia

It’s important to engage a loved one with dementia in activities that foster proper brain functioning and boost memory capabilities. Games, puzzles, and other fun activities are known to provide impeccable results and also improve their overall health. As each person has their own unique requirements, finding the right activity demands specialized assisted services. For instance, those with memory loss require help to remember significant events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and names of family members.

Top activities for a loved one with dementia include:

  •  Crossword puzzles or word search games help to maintain their language and vocabulary.
  • Jigsaw puzzle games help keep their brains active and help develop memory retention skills.
  • Scrapbooking can help their memory by keeping an account of important history, events, and names of family members.
  • Cooking can be a very beneficial activity for those with dementia. Baking cookies or helping to prepare their favorite recipe can make them feel useful, and also keeps them busy.
  • Listening to music and asking them to give the title of the song and the artist is a perfect strategy to remember information while lifting their spirits.
  • Taking a short walk can be very beneficial. Exercise is key to their overall health.
  • Writing letters for family and friends encourages them to maintain their writing skills.
  • Reading aloud from a favorite book allows them to listen and improve on their reading and verbal skills.
  • Painting with watercolors is also a great activity that allows the use of creativity.

Comprehensive Home Care can help you decide what activity is best for your loved one. Contact us here or call us at 704.333.5214.

Check out Tips on Speaking to a Loved One with Dementia to further learn best practices.