Diffusing Family Tensions

Diffusing Family Tensions

Sometimes family tensions arise when a family member needs assistance in the form of home care. However, when approached in the correct manner it is possible to resolve the tensions quickly. Tensions are typically due to the physical, financial, and emotional demands that come with providing care for a loved one.

Common causes of family tensions about home care include:

The burden of home care placed on one person.

A family member may feel the burden of the care when it is not evenly distributed throughout the family. If this happens, it is possible that the primary caregiver feels some resentment towards the rest of the family members.

The capabilities and condition of a loved one in home care.

For example, when you personally may think your loved one is no longer fit to drive, while others may disagree.

The financial matters of the home care.

Some family members may feel they cannot solely carry the burden due to financial restraints and need the support of the rest of the family.

Comprehensive Home Care can help you and your family find common ground to help ease the situation of any disagreements. We care about your family’s feelings and expectations, so we let each member of the family have a turn explaining their individual positions. All viewpoints are equally important, so compassion for one another’s circumstances is necessary.

Check out Long-Distance Caregiving for tips on caring for a loved one from far away.