Tag Archive for: benefits of respite care

Situations When Home Care is Beneficial

Home care is especially beneficial when affordability, closeness to the family, and a high level of comfort is important. With home care, your loved one can receive the care they need while staying in a place that is comfortable and familiar.

Here are a few situations when home care is beneficial:

You are looking for a more affordable option. Home care is a more affordable alternative to a nursing home that also provides the most comfort.

You want your family to stay together. Allowing your loved one to stay close to family members is a great benefit of home care.

You want more personalized care. When you hire a Comprehensive Home Care specialist a nurse will be assigned to assist your family member. This will result in a better patient/nurse relationship. Your loved one will know that the nurse assisting them will know exactly what they need.

You only need a nurse for a few hours a day. People in nursing homes receive constant assistance, however, some only need assistance for a few hours a day. If you want your family to play a bigger role in the assistance of your loved one, then home care is the best option.

These are a few situations when home care can be very beneficial. It will give you a lot of freedom, so you can be sure you are making the best choice for your loved one.  We offer many different types of services. Consider Comprehensive Home Care when searching for the best option for your loved one. Contact us here or call us at 704-333-5214 for a free in-home assessment.

Check out Signs that Your Loved One May Need Senior Home Care to learn more.

Perks of Home Care

Home care provides equal, if not better, care for your loved one than other assisted living options. And, there are many perks of home care versus the other options. For this reason, it’s the main choice for people who need assistance but still want to feel independent.

Main perks of home care include:

Familiar environment

Your loved one may already be going through a lot emotionally. If it is possible, you should do what you can to keep them in their own house where they are comfortable. They may need to depend on a specialist for assistance, but at least they are familiar with their surroundings.

Dedicated attention

Comprehensive home care provides dedicated specialists who will take the time to learn exactly what your loved one needs. This type of one-on-one attention will help build a relationship between your loved one and the specialist.

Surrounded by family and friends

Home care gives your loved one the opportunity to be surrounded by family and friends while receiving the care they need. Other assisted care options require loved ones to depend entirely on strangers which can be scary for both you and your loved one.

Cost efficient

Home care is the best, most cost-efficient option for assisted living. Other options can get very pricey and may not be as effective for treating your loved one’s health.

Consider Comprehensive Home Care to provide these benefits and more. We offer many different home care services and will be willing to accommodate your loved one’s needs. Contact us here or call us at 704.333.5214.

Check out How Do I Know if My Loved One Might Benefit from Home Care? to learn more.

Tips to Start the Care Provider Search

The care provider search is no easy task. And deciding on the best care for a loved one is an extremely important, sometimes urgent, decision. Some struggle with knowing where to even begin.

Here are some tips to start the care provider search:

Assess the needs of your loved one.

In order to find the right care provider, you must first know what your loved one’s needs are. Do they need someone only to help with meals, baths, and cooking? Or do they need 24-hour care? Answering these questions will help you narrow down the type of specialist you need and set you on the right path.

Do your research and ask questions.

Put together a list of providers that meet the requirements. Interview each provider in person, over the phone just won’t cut it. You can tell a lot about a person by meeting them and making eye contact. Before the meeting, make sure that you put together a list of questions to ask. These questions should include things such as quality of care provided, fees, services provided, and hours the provider is able to work.

Check references.

It is very important to check references and do a background check on any provider you are considering. This person is going to be taking care of your loved one and you want to be sure that it is safe. Request the names of two or three different clients and talk to each of them if possible. Ask how the provider treated their loved ones and if they would employ them again.

Adjust and observe.

Your job does not end after you have found a provider. Your loved one’s needs may change, so it’s best to continue to play an active role. You should also keep an eye on how the provider gets along with your loved one until you are sure that they are a good fit.

From assessing the needs of your loved one to not being afraid to ask questions, these tips will truly help the process. Comprehensive Home Care can help in this process, as well. Contact us here or call us at 704.333.5214 to see how we can assist.

Check out Senior Living Options to learn about the different options available to you and your loved one.

Senior Living Options

One of the hardest decisions a family member has to make is to place a loved one in an assisted living or use a home care specialist. Many families just want to know that they are making the best decision for their loved one. Many people put off the decision for far too long.

The term “senior living” always seems to be thrown around but it is a term that is often misunderstood and misused. This term covers many aspects of caring for the elderly. There are many senior living options available for those wanting to find a place for a loved one, as well as someone who wants to find a rewarding career in this field. When it comes to finding the best options, there are two main divisions in senior living.

Two main senior living options are:

Assisted Living Facility

Assisted living facilities offer a wide range of benefits and they generally provide a good selection of services and amenities designed for elderly patients. The services are designed specifically to help the residents live a happy, healthy, and semi-independent life. Assisted living facilities are ideal for individuals who can still take care of themselves and are able to perform day to day tasks without much help. This option helps the patient and the family by providing peace of mind that residents can enjoy life without the fear of things like falling and being alone for days or weeks at a time. Those who work in this area of nursing care, need to be kind, patient, understanding, supportive, easy-going, soft-spoken, and outgoing.

Home Care Facilities

Home care facilities are another variation of assisted living that provides a higher level of help and assistance. It is an ideal choice for those who need more care and attention in their day to day living and activities.  Board and home care facilities offer more assistance and help than the traditional assisted living facility.  They are a better choice than a nursing home or an assisted living facility because there are far more staff members and far fewer residents.

Ways to know when a move is necessary are:


  • The inability to dress, change, bathe, use the bathroom, and take care of themselves.
  • Vision issues that cause injuries.
  • Frequent falling.
  • Gaining weight or losing weight in an unhealthy manner.
  • If their memory is affecting important things such as remembering medications or taking the wrong doses.

If you see any of these in your loved one reach out to us! Comprehensive Home Care can help families make decisions on senior living options. Contact us here or call us at 704.333.5214 for more information.

Check out Types of Illnesses that Require Home Care to learn more.

How to Discuss Home Care with the Family

Is your family considering finding care for a senior loved one? If so, it is important to plan a family meeting to discuss home care as an option. Home care is used to provide the care of a loved one who is unable to fully provide for themselves, yet still stable and mentally sound enough to be at home and out of the nursing home. For many people, this type of care provides far greater happiness and prolongs their lifetime and that is just the start of the exciting benefits. Even still there are drawbacks that must be considered if this is a method of care that you are considering. This is a big decision and everyone should be able to voice their thoughts, concerns, and hopes freely.

Preparing for a family meeting to discuss home care

When preparing for your family meeting make sure that you inform family members as far in advance as possible. Everyone’s schedules differ, and sometimes it can be difficult to find a time when everyone is able to come together. When informing family members of the meeting you should plan for a two-hour time slot, although it might take slightly less time. Once a time has been arranged, choose a location for the meeting. If your home is large enough this is perfectly fine. It should be comfortable so everyone is able to talk openly. Make sure that the loved one being considered for home care is present during the meeting. After all, it is him/her that will be receiving the care so their say matters the most. Also, the home care agency caregiver or staff member should be present to help you learn more about the service and the different options available.

Things to discuss at the family meeting

  • Cost. Insurance will usually not cover the costs of this type of care so it is the responsibility of loved ones to cover the fees. Consider how you will pay, how much each person can put forth, etc. Also, take into consideration during your meeting:
  • Duration. How long/often will you require home care for your loved one? You can arrange services for part-time or full-time, or on an as-needed basis.
  • The capability of the senior. Is your loved one still able to partially caring for themselves? Patients who are best-suited for home services are those who still have such capabilities.
  • Needs of the senior. Discuss with the caregiver the needs of your loved ones. Caregivers can provide a little or they can provide a lot, depending upon the need. Ensure the chosen agency is capable of handling those needs. Not all agencies provide the same levels of care.
  • Questions/concerns. Give each family member time to ask their own questions as they arise.

Comprehensive Home Care can provide help during these meetings. Contact us here or call at 704.333.5214 with any questions or care needs.

Check out Diffusing Family Tensions for more support.